Our Posts
Meta-… Verse or Conscience?
How about trying to understand what we can learn from the Facebook-Meta change for our day-to-day life?
Conscience Makes Sense for Business
Perhaps awareness, or being more aware, is already part of what drives companies to become more sustainable – even though we still have doubts about what it means to be sustainable.
Purpose Has the Power to Transform Your Organization
Organisational cultures never change by themselves! It only takes place when individual behaviours change.
Improve Business Results while Building Long-Lasting Value
The balance among creating value, generating results, and having a positive impact is a must.
Purpose Matters by What You Do, Not by What You Say
Purpose must be integrated into all aspects of how companies do business.
Be Beauty in a Fintech is zenziya*
Connected Experiences, Impactful Marketing, Innovative Culture, Living Brands
As a strategic business platform, the brand would drive the company towards a new type of financial entity that is part its customer lives
Four keys to develop a brand aligned with the Company
The brands that transcend are those that achieve a dynamic balance between long and short term, rationality and creativity. Is your brand on this path?
Culture, code and creativity: forces for the next branding era
A scenario where brand and culture become one to grow your business
Brand conversations is part of our DNA
Creating and building a brand requires understanding the need for a tailor-made conversation between people –regardless of their roles, and organisations. It is a question of values and beliefs in a context of wider discussion.